Search Area: Kershaw, SC

GPS Coordinates: N34 33.084 W80 35.016 Kershaw, SC. Ever heard of it? I'm not suprised. Most folks haven't. Kershaw is a small town in upper middle South Carolina. Which puts it right out there just on the other side of the middle of nowhere. Still it's my home town and I wouldn't trade it for [...]

Search Area: Monroe, NC / Movie

GPS COORDINATES: N34 58.977 W80 32.980 As I wander (read commute) back and forth to work I come upon very few interesting things. There are dogs deer and other wildlife that I get to see every morning coming through the backwoods. This past week I got to see a little of Hollywood come to the town that I work out of. Apparently, Ricky Schroder was here filming a new movie, whether direct to screen or video I do not [...]